Friday, December 02, 2005

Season's first snow

And probably the only one. It doesn't snow around here very often anymore... I stayed home and played with the kids and it was a blast! We all had a fun time making a snowman, throwing snowballs and a little sledding down the hill in the backyard. It wasn't very cold out, I even had to take off a layer, but we might get more snow tonight!!! hoping hoping hoping...

SNOW!!! Posted by Picasa

Out our front door Posted by Picasa

I love snow... Posted by Picasa

Kids ready for a fun day in the snow Posted by Picasa

Finishing up the snowman Posted by Picasa

Kids loving the snowman Posted by Picasa

Making minor snowman repairs Posted by Picasa

Big pile of snow Posted by Picasa

Ryan tosses a snowball at me Posted by Picasa

Scott says "I'm gonna get you" Posted by Picasa

Almost time to go in. Posted by Picasa