Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween and other misc pictures

Lots has happened since school started, but we have not posted new pictures for a while... But I know people will want to see halloween pictures, so there are some going all the way back to early September. The boys had fun trick or treating, Scott was a trooper and could have gone forever, but Ryan wanted to come home because his bucket was getting heavy. Scott wanted to go to "just two more houses", about 8 houses later he wanted "just two more houses". We have some pumpkin carving pictures with Uncle Dan and Aunt Beverly, some with Ian and a couple really good ones of Ryan helping me mix coookie batter. Enjoy.

TRICK OR TREAT!!! Posted by Picasa

I want candy Posted by Picasa

OK, now can we eat our candy? Posted by Picasa

Took pictures AFTER trick or treating, can you tell Posted by Picasa

Ryan just wants to eat his candy Posted by Picasa

Halloween fun Posted by Picasa

Carvers hard at work Posted by Picasa

Auntie Beverly makes a halloween appearance Posted by Picasa

jack-o-lantern designed by ryan, carved by dad. Posted by Picasa