Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Alder Lake Camping Trip

Had fun camping... The kids did well sleeping outside and loved swimming (playing and splashing) in the lake.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Camp is all set up... Posted by Picasa

Look, I'm actually IN this picture Posted by Picasa

Ian brushes teeth Posted by Picasa

Ryan and Andrew Posted by Picasa

Scott and Ian are buds Posted by Picasa

Scott, Ian and Jacob Posted by Picasa

Ryan and his sticks Posted by Picasa

Scott and Ian share some grapes Posted by Picasa

Ryan wonders why I am taking all these annoying photos :) Posted by Picasa

Mom and Scott having fun Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Ryan's Sports Camp

Ryan just completed a week long sports camp. It was 3 hours a day for 5 days. They learned some basic baseball, soccer and basketball.

Doing some stretching Posted by Picasa

Water break Posted by Picasa

Ryan commits a foul :) Posted by Picasa

This is how 5 year olds play soccer... Posted by Picasa

Ryan gets his certificate for Skyhawks Sports Camp Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Black eye for Ryan

Poor Ryan got a black eye today... he slipped in the bathroom and hit his face on the toilet. He got over if fairly quickly, it looks like it HURT. Anyway he was laughing and playing a couple hours later and even posed for some pictures.

Gets a black eye and still in good spirits, what a guy :) Posted by Picasa

Close up of the eye Posted by Picasa